Terra Del Sole
Terra del Sole is the first ever agrivoltaics project supported in Italy by Coldiretti (the largest Italian farmers association) and Legambiente (one of the most prominent environmental associations in the country)
This project is located in the Municipality of Giugliano (North-western area of the Province of Naples) and it is currently under development. Once constructed, it will be made up of over 142,000 bifacial photovoltaic modules and 32 inverters, with a total power of over 86MWp, which will be matched to an approximately 23MW lithium-ion battery storage facility.

Cooperation with local universities to support farmers in the choice of the most suitable crops and cultivation methods, in relation to each of the 7 different clusters of the project.

Involvement of local operators/manpower in the design, construction and management phases.
Collaboration with local professional and technical high schools, through training internships for students in the running phase.

Terra del Sole is expected to produce over 155 GWh of clean and sustainable energy per annum, sufficient to meet the needs of around 55,000 households and avoid the emission of over 83,000 tons of CO2 per year.

Regarding land occupation, approximately 86% will be destined for crops and pastures (extensive sheep and goat breeding, hemp cultivation, melliferous production, broccoli cultivation, vertical farming. open-air chicken breeding and cultivation of medicinal plants); what remains will be reserved for the components of the PV and storage systems. In particular, the project will allow for the installation of single-axis solar trackers, capable of allowing the passage of agricultural vehicles both between, and below the rows of panels.